[100 Days Angularjs] Day 7: Tutorial - 8 - More Templating

Day 7 of 100 days with Angular

To be honest i learned not thing from this lesson. It is exactly the same thing as day 5. The only new thing is $routeParams service. From what i see i think it act like an object that hold parameter as property from the route. Anyway this day i made another toy project from FreeCodeCamp - A Caculator. I made it using JQuery not Angular because i think using Angular for this simple thing is too complicated. I will show it here anyway. And beside that, with this thing done, i only have to finish two project to claim my FreeCodeCamp FrontEnd Certificate.

The FreeCodeCamp Caculator

See the Pen vNZwVa by Huỳnh Tấn (@chotmat) on CodePen.

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