[100 Days Angularjs] Day 8: Tutorial - 9 - Filters

Day 8 of 100 days with Angular

So the thing i learned today from the Angular tutorial is how to make a custom Filter. Let’s break it down.

Custom Filter

So in order to create a new filter, i have to make a new module and register a filter with this module:


angular.module('phonecatFilters', []).filter('checkmark', function() {
  return function(input) {
    return input ? '\u2713' : '\u2718';

So this filter convert boolean input from true to (\u2713 -> ✓) or false to (\u2718 -> ✘).

Really simple though. So a filter is basically a function that take thing piped ( | ) to it as argument and then return something base on that argument. I think that all. Now we can use that filter like anyother build in filter just remember to set it’s module as a dependency of or app and use inject(function(filterModuleName) { /* doing something with the filter */ }) to use the filter in Unit test.

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