[Dailyprogrammer] Challenge 10 - #236 [Intermediate] Fibonacci-ish Sequence


DailyProgrammer is a subreddit that provide challenge to programmer everyday. Each day i will solve one challenge from it to practice my skill on solving problem.

[2015-10-14] Challenge #236 [Intermediate] Fibonacci-ish Sequence


The Fibonacci Sequence is a famous integer series in the field of mathematics. The sequence is recursively defined for n > 1 by the formula f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2). In plain english, each term in the sequence is found by adding the previous two terms together. Given the starting values of f(0) = 0 and f(1) = 1 the first ten terms of the sequence are: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 We will notice however that some numbers are left out of the sequence and don’t get any of the fame, 9 is an example. However, if we were to start the sequence with a different value for f(1) we will generate a new sequence of numbers. Here is the series for f(1) = 3: 0 3 3 6 9 15 24 39 102 165 We now have a sequence that contains the number 9. What joy! Today you will write a program that will find the lowest positive integer for f(1) that will generate a Fibonacci-ish sequence containing the desired integer (let’s call it x).

Input Description

Your input will be a single positive integer x. Sample Input 1: 21 Sample Input 2: 84

Output Description

The sequence of integers generated using the recursion relation starting from 0 and ending at the desired integer x with the lowest value of f(1). Sample Output 1: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 Sample Output 2: 0 4 4 8 12 20 32 52 84

Challenge Input

Input 1: 0 Input 2: 578 Input 3: 123456789


Large inputs (such as input 3) may take some time given your implementation. However, there is a relationship between sequences generated using f(1) > 1 and the classic sequence that can be exploited.


Make your program run as fast as possible.

My solution

From the hint i noticed that Fib-ish(i) = Fib(i)*Fib-ish(1) so i just loop from 0 to input number and use it as Fib-ish(1) and generate a Fib-ish sequence from that. If the last number of that Fib-ish sequence equal input number i will return that. Because it take 14556ms to process the 123456789, i have to reduce runtime by checking if inputNumber/Fib-ish(1) is a Fibonacci number or not. If yes then i will generate the Fib-ish sequence if no then move to another number. And now the runtime is 375ms, 40x faster pretty good right :smile:.

Here is the output and runtime:

0: [0] 14ms
578: [ 0, 17, 17, 34, 51, 85, 136, 221, 357, 578 ] 14ms
12345678: [ 0, 4115226, 4115226, 8230452, 12345678 ] 74ms;
123456789: [ 0, 41152263, 41152263, 82304526, 123456789 ] 375ms
var readline = require('readline');

var rl = readline.createInterface({
    input: process.stdin,
    output: process.stdout

var number;

rl.question('Enter the number: ', function(answer){
    number = parseInt(answer);

rl.on('close', function(){
    console.log(generateFibIsh(number) || "Can't generate Fibonacci-ish number from this number.");

function generateFib(n){
    if (n < 2)
        return n;
    return generateFib(n - 1) + generateFib(n - 2);

function isPerfectSquare(number) {
    return Math.sqrt(number) == Math.floor(Math.sqrt(number));

function isPib(number){
    return isPerfectSquare(5*number*number + 4) || isPerfectSquare(5*number*number - 4);

function generateFibIsh(number){
    for (var i = 1; i < number; i++) {
        if (number % i == 0 && isPib(number/i)){
            var j = 0;
            var temp = 0;
            var fibIshSeq = [];
            while (temp < number){
                temp = generateFib(j) * i;
            if (fibIshSeq[fibIshSeq.length -1] == number)
                return fibIshSeq;
    return number == 0 ? [0] : false;

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